Thursday, September 10, 2009

Readings: Week 3

While I was reading the document about Linux and UNIX systems I noticed a few things that seemed a bit confusing. For one despite the claims that Linux is now easy to use (though they admit not as easy as Windows or Macs) it all seemed very complicated. They discuss things like customizing the basic system to fit your computer and made it sound like a necessity. So while it may be a fantastic operating system that is superior to Windows and Mac in stability and security, for me (I’m bit technologically challenged) I’ll stay with the more user friendly systems.

I ran across a few things that peaked my curiosity and if any one happens to know the answers please let me know. Thanks!
They mention the programming language C. Is that the forerunner to C+ and C++?
I was surprised to see mozilla as a link to view Linux desktop examples. Is Firefox a Linux based system?
Can Linux users read MS Office documents if Linux runs clone systems? What about vise versa?
What is GNU?

I read the Windows article second and what struck me most was the vast difference in the tone from the Linux article. While the Linux article seemed to have the feel of passionate users trying to help those who are interested in becoming new users, the windows article had a stale corporate feel. It seemed to do nothing but assure and sooth consumers with completely positive phrases. In short, it made me feel that they were only after my money and trying to distract attention from the problems with their newest system.

The document dealing with Mac OS X was a bit too technical for me. As I mentioned before, I’m not exactly a technology wiz and I had a hard time reading the Mac document, just because they used terms that I am unfamiliar with and made little or no attempt to explain them. Though I admit it would be interesting to look at this in comparison to how systems like Windows or Linux worked… that is if I actually knew how those other systems worked in any detail.

1 comment:

  1. You know, Stephanie, I agree with you on the Windows document. It sounded basically like a press release outlining the newest developments in Microsoft. I wonder if the sincerity and passion in the Linux users is because of the three, Linux is the "underdog". It will be interesting to see how it evolves as it becomes more popular and easier to use (which I hope it will).
