Sunday, November 8, 2009

Readings: Week 11 (11/10)

Intro to XML- I found this article to a bit confusing. It seems that XTML coding requires a bit more knowledge of computers and how to program them than HTML does. Also I’m not sure I understand how it is not a standardized language as the article notes, to me it seems like it would be.

Survey of XTML standards- This seems like a great reference for looking deeper into learning how to use XTML codes. It offers many good comments in regard to the different places to look for information on this particular topic.

Extending your mark up- I actually was unable to open this document, I tried over several days in a few different ways, but it wouldn’t work :(

XML W3 schools- While I still don’t understand XTML as well as I do HTML, this website helped. I like that these tutorials provide the codes in the separate box as it helps them to stand out more from the text, so I can get a clearer view of how the correct code should look. This site also helped me to see how many cool things you can do with XTML, I really like the idea that you can limit the values entered into a system.


  1. I also enjoyed the way the third reading provided example boxes to the side so that you could see what they were talking about.

  2. As a comment on the first reading, I think that the reason XML isn't standardized is because it's different from person to person. As far as I understand, I think you set your own standards, which makes it a little more intuitive to work with. I could be terribly wrong about that, but that's at least what I got from the article.
